A New Poster

Monday, March 24, 2014

The Americanization of Canadian Health Care

C'mon people, where is the outrage?  Why aren't the majority of people in this country, knocking down the doors of their MP's offices and, staging big-time political protests over this?  What are the other political parties doing about it?  I hear silence!  I don't care whether it's not the policies of the other parties, i want to know what their doing about it.  Oh, maybe you've talked about it behind closed doors, or maybe you shoved it into your platform somewhere, and wait, maybe you and your leader have plans down the road to deal with this.  Well, why in the hell aren't you telling us what your going to do?  We want to consistently and loudly hear from you on this issue, but i hear the deafening sound of silence.  Speaking about it here and there doesn't cut it.  Silence in this respect is far from golden.
 Canadians have a right to expect the same level of health care no matter where they live in this country.  National standards are what helps to make it so.  Some individual Provinces haven't been much help over time in this regard either.  They actually run the health care system and have been chipping away at it, allowing various "for profit" medical care deliveries.  That's another issue. 
The federal government has an undeniable strong role to play in ensuring the integrity and the promise of a universal health care system, where no one can be refused medical care whenever and however they need it.  Nor, unlike our neighbours to the south, should we ever have to go in debt and lose our financial shirts, in order to maintain our health and stay alive.

Prime Minister Harper and Crew will not be happy until they can privatize and destroy our present system of health care, leaving it totally in the hands of the private sector.  Harper will do what Mike Harris tried to do in Ontario, that is to Americanize whatever he can, mostly through the back door, if possible.  Stop him, speak up!!!

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